7 Simple Ways to Detox your body Naturally

Perhaps bloating, digestive issues, fatigue and skin breakouts are causing you discomfort and you are looking for some simple ways to detox your body naturally.

Toxins are everywhere and it is virtually impossible to avoid them. They build up in various ways:  from the air we breathe, to the food we eat and even the products we apply to our skin. Our body also produces its own toxins and waste that needs to be effectively eliminated so we can look and feel our best.

Our bodies are designed to handle the ever-increasing load of toxins that surround us on a daily basis.  We can support this process and our elimination organs through simple, natural and effective ways.

It is important to firstly attempt to decrease your toxic load as much as possible and educate yourself about the many potentially harmful ingredients that are added to food and cosmetics. These may include: preservatives, artificial colours and flavours and other unhealthy chemical substances. These are particularly higher in processed, packaged and take-away foods.

Secondly it is important to support your liver, kidneys, skin, lymph, lungs and intestines, as they all play a role in eliminating toxic or harmful substances from the body.

Here are 7 simple ways to detox your body naturally that you can apply straight away.

  1. Drink a warm lemon water first thing in the morning.

This helps to kick-start your metabolism and promotes liver function. It also acts as a diuretic, thereby flushing out those toxins.

2. Increase your water intake in general.

Many people are chronically dehydrated and have gotten used to feeling this way. It is amazing how an increase in clean, filtered water can benefit you in so many ways. You may notice less mental fatigue, clearer skin and an increased ability to concentrate. The many benefits of adequate hydration cannot be emphasised enough. One way to ensure you are tracking your water intake is to fill a large water bottle (preferably made of glass or good quality stainless steel) in the morning and aim to drink it by lunch. Then refill it and aim to drink the rest by dinner time. Another way is to use a water tracker and fill it in each time you drink a glass until remaining hydrated becomes a lifestyle habit.

3. Dry body brushing is an excellent way to support your Lymphatic system.

Click here to see a video demonstration of how to do this.  Using pure Essential oils can also enhance this practice. I particularly enjoy using Lemongrass because it wakes up the senses and boosts your mood. There are other essential oil blends that can also support specific body organs. Click here for more info.

Dry body brushing is also and excellent way to exfoliate your skin.

4.  Improving your Gut health can definitely not be over-looked.

The guts plays a major role in eliminating waste and harmful substances and pathogens.  A gut that has a healthy balance of good and bad bacteria will be more efficient at this process. It is therefore super important that you support the good bacteria by eating a nutritious diet high in fresh, preferably organic produce. Even better is to attempt to grow your own as much as possible, especially when it comes to the “dirty dozen”, but more on that in another blog.  There are many foods that support the good bacteria and therefore contribute to a healthy microbiome. This is such a huge topic, which I will be exploring further in future blogs posts.  For the sake of looking at simple ways to detox your body naturally, the main thing, is that you focus on good nutrition and avoid things like sugar, processed foods and other inflammatory foods.

5. Using Infrared saunas on a regular basis to support detoxification through the skin

There is an increasing awareness about the benefits of using a sauna, which increases circulation and helps to eliminate toxins, like heavy metals and urea, through the process of increased perspiration.

6. Practice deep, diaphragmatic breathing to expel toxins from the lungs

Taking deep breathes, especially when out in Nature is so beneficial to supporting the lungs and circulatory system. There are many different breathing techniques. An easy one to apply is to pretend that you have a balloon in your belly. When you breath in expand the “balloon”. When you breathe out, deflate the “balloon”. Repeat this 10-15 times and enjoy the relaxed feeiing that follows.

7.  Have a hot magnesium bath.

Not only will this relax the muscles, but magnesium can also pull out toxins from the skin.  For an extra sensory experience and to promote a deeper sleep, add a couple drops of therapeutic grade Lavender Essential oil.

Practicing these 7 simple ways to detox your body, naturally, will help to keep your elimination organs working efficiently and minimise the stress on the body.